2013 Year in Review: Urban Apiary, Round Two

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In 2013 I parted ways with my apiary partner I started with and moved two of the three original hives to a rooftop location in Old City (Front and Market).  No longer in the jungles of West Philly, the girls still found plenty of sources (plentiful parks, abandoned lot forests, etc.). The rooftop provided gorgeous views for me and the girls, was close to where I worked, and the neighbors were truly excited to see me taking care of the hives. Only downside was that this location proved to be extremely windy and exposed tot he elements.

My first year solo was wonderful and terrifying.  I made a couple rookie mistakes (yes, still very much a rookie). I didn’t add boxes fast enough and my girls were producing so much honey, comb, and brood that they quickly outgrew their hives and one of the hives absconded.  The second hive remained busy throughout the season, but despite a healthy store of honey, their hive was tough to protect from the wind and cold. The girls didn’t make it through the winter and I decided to take a break until 2015.


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